DAS Solar successfully hosted SEMI's fall meeting 2023 in Quzhou


On November 16, 2023, the SEMI Standards PV and PV Materials China Joint TC Chapter Fall Meeting 2023, organized by SEMI China and hosted by DAS Solar, was successfully held in Quzhou city, Zhejiang province. Dr. Song Dengyuan, CTO of DAS Solar and Chairman of the SEMI Standards PV and PV Materials China Joint TC Chapter, chaired the meeting, attended by over 100 members and experts from 55 enterprises and research institutions.


Dr. Song Dengyuan chaired the meeting


During the standard review process, the Standards Committee approved including the "Guide for Tube PECVD Graphite Boat Materials for Solar Cell Production", co-authored by DAS Solar, for entry into the pre-release global vote, thereby advancing the standardization of materials for tubular PECVD used in photovoltaics. The Committee approved the establishment of a new standard working group on "Perovskite Film Photovoltaic Materials and Modules" in order to promote the development of perovskite photovoltaic technology. Additionally, the committee agreed to the initiation of projects for the " Specification of Terrestrial Perovskite Photovoltaic


(PV) Module Sizes" and the "Specification of FAI for Perovskite Photovoltaic (PV) Industry" which focused on standards for perovskite photovoltaic modules and materials standards.


At the standards promulgation session, Ms. Feng Li, Senior Director of SEMI China, and Dr. Song Dengyuan, jointly presented "Standard Issuance Certificates" for the revision and new release of three SEMI standards, including "Test Method on Cell Level for Potential-induced-degradation Susceptibility of Solar Cells and Module Encapsulation Materials" co-authored by DAS Solar.


Representatives of participation in the preparation received the certificate


The meeting representatives visited DAS Solar


The meeting representatives visited the smart manufacturing factory of high performance N-type solar cells at DAS Solar, which serves as a demonstration of Zhejiang province's "Future Factory." "As a leader in N-type technology, DAS Solar consistently sets standards for N-type cells. DAS Solar is dedicated to continually improving quality and efficiency, vigorously pursuing innovation, and achieving technological advances," Dr. Song Dengyuan said. Through its leadership in technology and industry standards, DAS Solar intends to promote the long-term, healthy, and sustainable development of the photovoltaic industry in the future. 


SEMI Standards PV and PV Materials China Joint TC Chapter members took a group photo


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